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Radio Spaetkauf Berlin

Dec 14, 2015

Workers at the iconic Kino Babylon have been picketing in front of the cinema for months now, demanding more than the minimum wage. The cinema says it can't pay more, and has filed for bankruptcy. Film goers are being asked to take sides, but who's right in such a messy situation? The Radio Spaetkauf team have a...

Nov 8, 2015

RS#08: Live at Donau115 by Radio Spaetkauf Berlin

Nov 1, 2015

You're invited to a special Radio Spaetkauf live show at 6pm Sunday November 8 at Donau115 in Neukölln. Come along and hear the local news directly from your hosts Joel, Joeran and Daniel, plus some special guests. See you there!

Oct 3, 2015

RS#07: Trouble at Teufelsberg by Radio Spaetkauf Berlin

Aug 25, 2015

Radio Spaetkauf is Berlin’s news show. On this episode: Europe’s refugee crisis is hitting Berlin. Over 550 asylum seekers are arriving each day to seek a safer life. The city’s bureaucrats are struggling to keep up with the influx, but volunteers are helping hand out water bottles as refugees wait in the hot sun...