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Radio Spaetkauf Berlin

Sep 4, 2016

We're decoding the Berlin election with a full run down on what each party is promising, with some graphic design critique thrown in. Who's going to run Berlin after the September 18 vote? Probably not the CDU, who have lost voters to the far-right AFD. The SPD doesn't want to govern with them, and neither do the Greens. It makes an SPD-Greens-Linke coalition a pretty likely scenario. Our own candidate Jöran Mandik talks about his campaign (or lack of it). Turns out if he could get 2500 votes, he'd earn over €6000 in public campaign contributions. We have a special guest, blogger John Riceburg, who has his own controversial opinion on the election. He doesn't like any of the parties, who aren't promising any great changes at all. Special thanks to our hosts Comedy Cafe Berlin!