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Radio Spaetkauf Berlin

Oct 6, 2013

On this episode of Radio Spaetkauf, how did your district vote in the election? Hear Andrew and Maisie reveal some pretty expected results. We discover a chance to rent Angela Merkel's old flat in Prenzlaurer Berg, without her old furniture sadly. Maisie talks about a new threat to develop on Tempelhofer Feld and what you can do about it and Andrew is surprised to see a last stretch of the original Autobahn is soon to be closed. Our main audio segment comes from the fantastic Jöran Mandik and another of his Berlin Audio Tours. It's episode 3 - a tour of the Hufeisensiedlung (Horseshoe Estate). Bruno Taut's architectural marvel in Neukölln. You can partake in the 100% Tempelhofer Feld campaign here Music this week from UK band Crystal Fighters who are touring in Berlin next month and Mary Ocher, a Russian born, Berlin resident.