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Radio Spaetkauf Berlin

Mar 16, 2020

"The time for partying is over," Berlin's health senator Dilek Kalayci said, announcing the shut down of the city. Berlin's government has enacted the widest restriction of liberties since the war as it struggles to combat the Coronavirus pandemic.
Hosts Daniel Stern, Joel Dullroy and Jöran Mandik record an unscheduled episode in an empty room.

Our correspondent in Maisie Hitchcock joins us via Skype to tell us about pre-lockdown England.

Noah Telson from the Comedy Cafe Berlin tells us about shutting down his business for a month.

What's life like in quarantine in Berlin? We talk via Skype with comedian Ben Maclean.

Worried about your health? Call the Berlin Corona Hotline: 030 90 28 28 28. Don't go out seeking a test.

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